

The Flow of Fate is unbound by all but its own machination. The Grand Design governs the Flow, changing as does Fate. The Laws of this world and the Other are Knowable, but not Fixed.

What is Known is not All.


In the certainty of your self-being, certainty of the Other should follow. As the Sun confirms its shine in the reflection of the Moon, so we learn of ourselves in the shifting of the Other in response to ourselves. Nothing exists as both the One and the All. 1 and 1 cannot be.

Where there is One, there are Many.


Like the elements are made of atoms and molecules of energetic bonds between, so Existences are made up of five Natures repeated and rebound. All that exists as matter exists as an abstraction, the idea. Knowledge and Being are intertwined but not the same. You can Know of something without experiencing its Being and can experience a Being without Knowing what it is, but both encounters open the door to the other.

To Be or To Know is to Be and to Know.


Chaos is the true Nature of this Universe and the origin of our Consciousnesses. From the improbable becoming Fate, Chaos became Order and from Order came Destruction and Creation. The Spark of Creation churns yet, an improbability reborn through improbability. The End of All Things is Known, but not yet come into Being.

All things will End but no thing returns to what it was.


This world is as a spiral grinding outward, a sprawling Yggdrasil born from a single Root. Each event builds upon another, each action prompts reaction. The push and pull between being and unbeing, knowing and unknowing, experience and denial, self and other – this swings existence from one state to another, generating the Spiral of Existence as we know it.

All that is Real exists between its Whole and its Being.


Within all souls is a contradiction, two impossibilities which seek resolution. The First is of your Whole and the Second of your Being. That is the Nature of the Soul: contradiction. You cannot be One and Exist. All things are Many. Clashing between the parts of your self and the parts of the Other, clashing between and within, clashing unknown and unknowable – this is the Nature of Existence.

No thing exists without infringing on another.


Love is the contradiction at the core of Existence. The perfection of One and the peace of the All are destroyed in the lust of Self and the Other. Pleasure and joy at the price of suffering and knowing. To be is to know and to know is to suffer. However, to Know is also to be capable of Love. As the Moon adores the light of the Sun and the Sun desires the darkness of the Moon, so the Self seeks to Know itself in the Other and the Other seeks to be Known by taking in the One.

To pursue Knowledge of Existence is the highest act of Love.


True Reality is a desert of nothingness, the scorched expanse of the Sun that does not set. True Existence is a blinding cavern, the shadowy dance of the Moon that does not fill. Pursue only the Real and your burned eyes lose sight of Existence, the Knowable Being. Pursue only the Material and your eyes will turn from the faintest light of the Truth, the Means of Knowing. Walk as Sun and Moon, Light and Darkness, Force and Reaction, Action and Response.

The path to Truth is the twilight between the Real and the Material, what Exists and what has Form.


Not all which is Known is True and not all Truths are Known. All things in existence pursue their Truth. The resolution of you soul’s contradiction brings forth a Truth: what appears in conflict is now Known on a deeper level. The synthesis of the Spiral continues and the Possible changes. Nothing is permanent but all things which Are or Were are what make for the possibility of what Will Be.

The Truth will set you free.


The destruction of the All allows for the One to become the Many. From the Many comes new Alls, the transformation of Nothingness into Everything. The magic of this world derives from the Love of Everything, the churning of the Spiral of Existence. To become the All is to be served from the One and lose the Possibility of your Truth.

To become as the All again is to lose Love and Being.


This is not the first iteration of our world nor is it likely to be the last. The Ages past were governed by the Design of a different Design, laws of physics and knowing that ours build upon. What has Past no longer Is, but all that Is contains the Past. The present recasts the Past as shadows on the desert of the real, whose shade gives cover to the blooming garden of existence. The End of All Things and the Beginning of a New World are one in the same.

What you do now decides what can be done tomorrow.


Nothing exists forever, not even Nothingness. The Truth of our Universe is of its Nature: chaos promises destruction and creation but not in equal measure nor at proper times. To lose yourself in the dread of impermanence is to be blinded by the desert. To cower in the comforting formation of shadows is to be blinded by the cavern. The Soul is the Spark of Creation made into a Flame, the Fire given form. With your Spark, the cavern and desert become the Underworld and the Skies, the Garden of Reality our realm between.

Permanence is Delusion; the Present is Clarity.


The Powers That Be do not govern the world. There is no One who is The One, no All which is The All. Existence is Flawed and all things which are Perfect are made Complete, removed from the Flow of Fate. Change is the blessing and curse of this world. All things here must change but all things here can change. The Gods and Spirits are fixed in their form and their knowing. The Soul is the flame that stirs all things, mixing and destroying to discover and create.

Creating meaning is the meaning of life.



Human beings are first composed of a Body, which becomes the flesh that forms the Mind and holds the Natures that become the Spirit. Consciousness arises from the Body, Mind, and Spirit all within One form, our true self. The Body is of the Material, impermanent and to be destroyed and remade into something new with time. The Mind is of the Abstract and the Material, a pulsing mess of electrical signals and ideas that intertwines the Real and the Existing. The Spirit is of the Abstract, a self that precedes and succeeds our Being. The Human Soul is a contradiction. It is built of impermanent things but becomes permanent through its existence.

Life is the opportunity to become yourself.


The soul changes over the course of life. When we are born, the soul takes form. The severing of our self from the All mirrors the severing of the child from the womb. It begins small. As the Body learns of sensation, soon the Mind learns of possibility. As the Mind learns of possibility, soon the Spirit imagines. As the Spirit imagines, the Soul creates. Everything you do becomes a layer of your soul. Everything done to you becomes a layer of your soul. You are your choices and your circumstances, your actions and their consequences, your flaws and your virtues. Within your Soul exists fragments of all the Souls that shaped you, fragments of yourself within them in turn.

To live is to encounter and be encountered.


Nothing can resist the entropic nature of the material. Everything that is built will crumble, every breath followed by an exhale, every rise precedes a fall. The Soul is permanent, but its time in Existence is not. The pain of life can be great. To know of Possibilities you cannot attain, to bear the weight of Possibilities wasted, to endure the withering of your own Possibility – dying is the price we pay for life.

Death is a gift: the end of dying and the beginning of a transformation.


Magic is born from the chaotic nature of the Universe, the merging of the Spark of Creation with the endless Possibility of Chaos. With the appropriate Natures, Knowledge, and Will,what is Possible becomes Manifest. This transformation of Idea to Being is the fundamental action of all magic. As Being and Idea are intertwined, so the changing of this World through magic changes the Other.

Ideas are born from Being; Being is shaped by Ideas.


All humans have a Soul and therefore have the potential for magic. The strength of a soul determines its Potential. You cannot study magic to learn it, although a great deal of study is required if you are to master it. You must experience magic to learn it and to experience magic requires you to live a connected life. You must bear the weight of many souls within yours, share yourself with others, and through that network of Wills, shape Reality to reflect what Love you hold within your soul.

Potential opens the door to Possibility only when transformed into Being.


You are not All of You. There are Yous that exist in the Other you can never know: your scent to the mice and rats scurrying underfoot, your personality in the eyes of your fellows, your role in society – all parts of You outside your Knowing. To be a magician is to chase after the impossible, to contain the All within yourself. Like all acts of Love, the madness that drives us is satisfaction itself. You cannot be a magician if you are not willing to let your being be your All. That is the contradiction which fuels magicians: I am the All and I am but One of Many.

Pursue the All but seek resolution in your Being.


Choice is the power of the Soul. There are few choices we make in life, most are illusions. We are born into a body with severe needs and limitations, into cultures and societies upon which we depend for everything, into eras and epochs which shape planets and galaxies. Therefore, when a choice is upon you, make it with all of your soul. Cross each threshold of Possibility knowing it is a sacrifice: every Possibility you choose marks the end of every Possibility you did not. Creation is an act of Destruction.

Anything is Possible, but not Everything is.


Consequence is a poor measure of meaning. The sound of wind blowing through grass can be just as profound as the birth of a solar system. No two things have the same measure for Reality. The joy of encounter is in achieving a mutual understanding, despite being two things which are not the same. These constant occurrences appear mundane but are the very miracle of existence.

Meaning is felt, not determined.


In the death of the body, the molecules that composed you are broken down but contain the Knowledge of having been you and done as you did. In the death of the mind, the thoughts and sensations that you formed become scattered fragments of consciousness, the Arcane Knowledge of the world. In the death of the spirit, your Nature recurs or resolves, repeating itself in a new moment or becoming perfection from which new questions arise.

Nothing returns to what it was; change is permanent.


There is no end to questions as there is no end to answers. To Know All is to Know Nothing. Understand your perspective and uncover your Truth therein. Answer the questions that rise from within you, be the answer to questions you can, and allow for mystery to fill the spaces between. Be confident in what you Know and Know there is always more to know.

Truth is a mystery; Mystery leads to Truth.


Consciousness is not unique to humanity, although human consciousness differs from other forms. Where the Divine are Perfection, the Transcendent are Outside, and the Arcane are Extant, Human Consciousness is Change. Where other Consciousness rose from Order, ours rose from Chaos. It was not a power given and thus cannot be taken. Prometheus did not give Humanity flame: he taught us what ours could do.

Our flawed, shifting existence is what makes us worthwhile.



Perfection cannot Exist. To pursue the perfect is to pursue Nothing. We cannot control all things nor can we know all things. We are limited by circumstance and imagination, by Fate and Possibility. The choice to be Good is not to commit oneself to the impossibility of Perfection within Existence, but to commit yourself to the Possibility of Better. To fulfill yourself within your time and place requires making meaning from the few choices you have in that time. Do not waste your grains of sand waiting for the right time. There is no such thing.

We seek meaning in making the world Better.


Upon Death, the consciousness of a person begins to decay. The individuality – the self-being – becomes a Shade, a hollow existence composed of what Was. For the first year after death, the Consciousness lingers strongly. By the end of three years, the Consciousness still lingering becomes something else, no longer human and thus no longer what it was. The Realm of the Dead contains these Shades, the remnants of our mortal self. The Natures are resolved or reborn, recurring until resolved and sprouting new questions as a result. The Will of the person carries on in the changes they made: the works they finished, the souls they touched, the ideas they shaped. The Dead do not change but Death changes everything.

We honor The Dead by respecting the transformation Death bestowed.


There are many worlds, realms, realities, and existences. Ours is at the Root but is not the only Root. Between this World and Others is the Astral, the Between Between All. The World of Dreams is older than this world, the Infinitely Possible. The Worlds of the Divine are many, each a Whole Oneness unto itself. The layers of existence mix and intersect, shaping and being shaped by one another. There are higher existences and lower ones, each built upon the prior. As time separates the 3rd from the 4th, so completion separates the 4th from the 5th.

We advance ourselves through the completion of our Will.


The means of your completion exists within the Other. No one is born complete nor with all that they will require to resolve the contradiction at their core. Experience and engagement are the means of our fulfillment. The Body alone cannot fulfill us: there is no action which resolves our soul. The Mind alone cannot fulfill us: there is no thought which resolves our need for knowing. The Spirit alone cannot fulfill us: there is no shape of being that resolves our existence. Only through the whole of our self – the soul that is mind, body, and spirit in equal movement – can fulfillment be achieved.

We are wholly our many selves in pursuit of experiencing our true self.


There are Five Natures. First is Destruction, which forms the Second, Creation. From Creation comes the Arcane, all that exists. From the Arcane arises the Divine, the perfect form of all which exists. Outside the Arcane emerges the Transcendent, those forms from other worlds which make their way into ours. One concept can exist by all Five Natures. Love as Destruction, Love as Creation, Love as Arcane, Love as Divine, Love as Transcendent. The combination of Natures is as endless as the combination of Matter.

We are composed of choices made and become the choices we make.


The Veil is a construct of this Age, which separates Idea and Being. The Ages past were bound by different laws. In our Age, Physics reigns supreme: the laws of Being and the Material are first. The laws of Idea and the Abstract are secondary, Metaphysics arising first as a consequence of Being and then shaping the Possibilities of Being. The Veil sustains the most stable Reality possible, allowing for the most souls to resolve within the finite window of Possibility this reality provides. Conversely, the Veil limits Possibility and constrains the Potential of many for the few. Not every soul will be resolved, not every Being can become More.

We pursue our self-being’s evolution in the time we are given without fear of failure.


The fulfillment of a soul can take many forms. Some will become an echo, repeating the perfection throughout the course of this existence and others. Some will become something new, a thing beyond human or perhaps what makes humanity in the first place. Some will become as spirits, manifestations of their resolution as Knowledge. The afterlife is not a place of judgment or punishment, nor of paradise or servitude. What comes next is not now’s concern. The mystery of that Truth is more beautiful than any other I know.

We live as we are so that we might become what lies beyond the Horizon.


There will never again be a you. Your Natures will be reborn, your Spirit take on many lives, your Body made into many things, but never again will You as you are now exist again. Your Consciousness is a Miracle, a contradiction of deeply twined Natures drawing on the Fires of Creation to stir the Spiral. The Possibilities you contain, the things you might yet bring forward, and the wonders that will arise from the resolution of your soul are unique.

We respect the Many Ones, each occurrence of the recurring its own majesty to behold.


Gods hear your prayers. Spirits answer your summons. Monsters fear your strength. To choose yourself as you are – limited and fragile, infinite and immortal, whole and yet unfinished – is to embody your Will. It is not merely the whims of the body, the impulses of the mind, nor the commands of the spirit, but the unity of all three which creates Will. The Flow of Fate is unbridled, but composed of each of our many Wills. It is not as One nor the All that we attain perfection, but in being One and being All that we might free our souls and learn of a higher love in turn.

We are together in this Work: not All as One nor All for One, but One Part of All.


